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发布者:刘乐平 [发表时间]:2022-03-15 [来源]:澳门永利welcome [浏览次数]:

刘乐平 简历







(1) 无机聚合物在特殊条件下(岩溶、盐碱、海洋环境)的耐久性;

(2) 环境重金属吸附与染料降解材料;

(3) CO2利用与光催化材料。




2003-2007年, 华北理工大学 无机非金属材料专业,获工学学士学位;

2007-2012年,广西大学 化学工程与技术 获博士学位(硕博连读),师从崔学民研究员;


2017-至今,南宁师范大学 澳门永利welcome;


20199月至20207月,湖南大学,土木工程学院 访问学者,师从著名材料专家史才军教授。

长期从事无机聚合物和沸石分子筛的制备、反应机理、性能调控与应用研究。相关研究工作在Construction and Building MaterialsCement & Concrete Composites Applied Clay ScineceJournal of Non-crystalline solids国内外刊物发表论文40余篇,受邀担任Construction and Building MaterialsCement & Concrete CompositesCement and Concrete ResearchApplied Clay ScineceJournal of Non-crystalline solids等国家权威期刊审稿人,申请专利20项,授权10项。目前主持和参与国家级与省部级项目10余项。





1. 国家自然基金地区项目:碱激发偏高岭土/矿渣材料的凝胶形成与性能调控机制,项目编号:51962024,研究期限:20201-202312月,直接经费40万,主持(在研)。

2. 国基自然基金项目:岩溶环境下地质聚合物材料的溶蚀行为与微结构演变规律,项目编号:51768010,研究期限:20181-202112月,直接经费39万,主持(已结题);

3. 广西科技引导创新项目:岩溶环境下地质聚合物灌浆材料的溶蚀行为与应用研究;项目编号:AC19050011,研究期限:20193-202112月,20万,主持(已结题);

4. 广西师范学院科研启动基金:无机聚合物的流变行为与微观结构调控机制;研究期限:20173-202003年,15万,主持(已结题);

5. 广西科学研究与技术开发项目:地质聚合物在水泥混凝土路面板底灌浆方面的应用研究,项目编号:桂科攻1598009-2,研究期限:20151-201712月,50万,主持(已结题)

6. 广西自然基金项目:地质聚合物乳化沥青复合材料的制备与研究,项目编号:2013GXNSFBA019229,研究期限:2013.04-2016.035万,主持(已结题);

7. 广西工信委产学研项目:高性能橡胶沥青在产业化中的关键技术研究,财政经费50万,主持(已结题)。



2.广西自然基金重点项目:地质聚合物原位转化沸石分子筛机理研究与应用,项目编号:2012GXNSFDA053003, 研究期限:2012-2015,30万,参与(已结题);


4.广西科技攻关项目:地聚物水性环保涂料的产业化开发,项目编号:桂科转1298009-8, 2012-201420万,参与(已结题)。


1. 2018年获广西高等学校千名青年骨干教师第二批计划;

2. 2019年获得中国交通运输协会科技进步三等奖1项,排名第5

3. 2020年获中国建筑行业协会科技二等奖(排名第5);

4. 2020年获中国混凝土与水泥制品协会科技二等奖(排名第5);

5. 2020年获中国建筑材料创新二等奖(排名第5);








1. Xuanxiao Chen, Yan He*, Xuemin Cui, Leping Liu, High value utilization of waste blast furnace slag: New Ni-CeO2/hBFS catalyst for low temperature CO2 methanation, Fuel, 2023, 338:127309.

2. Shuai Zhang, Yan He*, Jing Li, Leping Liu, Xuemin Cui, Preparation of potassium methylsilicate modified one-part alkali-activated slag grouting material and its effect on adhesion properties of semi-flexible pavement, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 366:130139.


1. Leping Liu*, Yue Xu, Hainan Liu, Maojia Xie, Yan He, Caijun Shi, Drying shrinkage and microstructure of alkali-activated slag with different mixing time at low temperature, Construction and Building Materials, 2022:360:129529.

2. Leping Liu*, Hainan Liu, Yue Xu, Maojia Xie, Yan He, Chemical deformation and mass change of metakaolin-based geopolymer grouting material in sulfate environments, Advances in Cement Research, 2022:34(9):399-411.

3. Leping Liu*, Hainan Liu, Yue Xu, Jichun Xiang, Yan He, Guangjian Zheng, Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Alkali-Activated Slag Grouting Materials Exposed to Flowing NaHCO3 Solution, Journal of Materilas in civil Engineering, 2022, 34(12):1-10.

4. Shuai Zhang, Yan He, Honggang Zhang, Jie Chen, Leping Liu*, Effect of fine sand powder on the rheological properties of one-part alkali-activated slag semi-flexible pavement grouting materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 333:127328.

5. Jichun Xiang, Yan He*, Xuemin Cui, Leping Liu*, Enhancement of setting times and hardening of alkali-activated slag binder using CO2-modified slag, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 134:104797.

6. Yi Tan, Yan He*, Xuemin, Leping Liu, Design and performance optimization of alkali-activated waste coal bottom ash/slag porous concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 359:129413.

7. Yuantian Huang, Jianli Tan, Xiaoxin Xuan, Shiju Wei, Leping Liu, Shujuan Yu, Guangjian Zheng*, Durability of plant fiber reinforced alkali activated composites, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 314:125501.

8. Hengyu Wan, Yan He, Qiaoqiao Su, Leping Liu, Xuemin Cui, Slag-based geopolymer microspheres as a support for CO2 methanation, 2022, Fuel, 319:123627.


1. Yuantian Huang, Jianli Tan, Xiaoxin Xuan, Shiju Wei, Leping Liu, Shujuan   Yu, Guangjian Zheng*, Study on untreated and alkali treated rice straw reinforced geopolymer composites, Materials Chemistry and Physcis, 2021, 262:124304.

2. Hao Zheng, Yan He*, Yuqing Zhu, Leping LiuXuemin Cui, Novel procedure of CO2 capture of the CaO sorbent activator on the reaction of one-part alkali-activated slag, RSC Advances, 2021,11:12476.


1. Leping Liu, Maojia Xie, Yan He, Yuanyuan Li*, Xiaoqing Huang, Xuemin Cui, Caijun Shi, Expansion behavior and microstructure change of alkali-activated slag grouting material in sulfate environment, Construction and Building Materials, 2020,260:19909.

2. Leping Liu, Maojia xie, Yan He, Yuanyuan Li*, Anhua Wei, Xuemin Cui, Caijun Shi, Expansion behavior and microstructure change of alkali-activated slag grouting material in carbonate environment, Construction and Building Materials 2020, 262:120593.

3. Jichun Xiang, Yan He*, Leping Liu, Hao Zheng, Xuemin Cui, Exothermic behavior and drying shrinkage of alkali-activated slag concrete by low temperature-preparation method, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262:120056.


1. Jichun. Xiang, Leping Liu*, Xuemin Cui, Yan He, Guangjian Zheng, Caijun Shi, Effect of Fuller-fine sand on rheological, shrinkage and microstuctural properties of metakaolin-based geopolymer grouting materials, Cement Concrete Composites. 2019, 104:103381.

2. Jichun Xiang, Leping Liu*, Xuemin Cui, Yan He*, Guangjian, Caijun Shi, Effect of limestone on rheological, shrinkage and mechanical properties of alkali-activated slag/fly ash grouting materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2018,191:1285-1292.SCI二区top

3. Yan He, Le-ping Liu*, Liping He, Xue-min Cui, Characterization of chemosynthetic H3PO4Al2O32SiO2 geopolymers[J]. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(9):10908-10912SCI二区).

4. 何立平,魏建国,刘乐平*,邓家喜,基于Han曲线的橡胶沥青结合料相态结构研究,公路交通科技,2017,34(5):10-18.

5. 刘乐平, 贺艳, 何立平, 谭华. 粉煤灰基地质聚合物/水泥复合材料的力学性能[J],武汉理工大学学报,2015,37(7):1-4.

6. 刘乐平,谭华,邓家喜,匡丕桩,贺艳. 矿渣基地质聚合物干粉材料的性能与反应机理[J],武汉理工大学学报,2014,36:36-40.

7. Le-ping Liu, Xue-min Cui, Yan He, Sidong Liu, Siyu Gong, The phase evolution of phosphoric acid-based geopolymers at elevated temperatures[J]. Materials Letters , 2011, 66:10-12 (SCI三区).

8. Le-ping Liu, Xue-min Cui, Yan He, Junli Yu, Study on the dielectric properties of phosphoric acid-based geopolymers. Materials Science Forum, 2011, 663:538-541 (EI收录).

9. Le-ping Liu, Xue-min Cui, Shuheng Qiu, Junli Yu, Lin Zhang, Preparation of phosphoric acid-based porous geopolymers[J]. Applied Clay Science 2010, 50:600-603. (SCI二区).

10. Xue-min Cui, Le-ping Liu, Yan He, Jinyu Chen, Ji ZhouA novel aluminosilicate geopolymer materials with low dielectic loss [J]. Materials Chemisty and Physics 2011, 64: 1-4 ( SCI二区).

11. Xue-min Cui, Le-ping Liu, Guangjian Zheng, Ruiping Wang, Jianping Lu, Characterization of chemosynthetic Al2O3-2SiO2 geopolymers [J]. Journal of Non- crystalline solids, 2010, 356 :72-76. (SCI三区).

12. Jichun Xiang, Leping Liu, Yan He*, Ning Zhang, Xuemin CuiEarly mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of slag/metakaolin-based geopolymers exposed to karst water , Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019, 99: 140150.

13. Jichun Xiang, Yan He, Leping Liu, Hao Zheng, Xuemin Cui, Exothermic behavior and drying shrinkage of alkali-activated slag concrete by low temperature-preparation method, Construction and Building Materials, 2020,262:120056.SCI二区top


刘乐平,崔学民,匡丕桩,贺艳,邓家喜,谢成,一种地质聚合物/乳化沥青复合材料及其制备方法,2014.12.03, 中国,ZL201310143484.0(授权)


刘乐平, 何立平, 李云涛, 陆豫,郑双金, 李金, 张健球, 唐巾评, 刘姝麟, 扈世龙,地质聚合物声屏障吸声板材,2016, 12, 28.中国,ZL201620754348.4(授权)

刘乐平, 何立平, 李金, 张建球, 唐巾评, 刘姝麟, 扈世龙,用于灌浆材料渗透性评价的设备,2017, 05, 31.中国,ZL201620754346.5(授权)



1. 南宁师范大学教改项目:校企合作模式下地方高校应用化学专业课程体系的构建与实践研究,项目编号:2018JGXO11,主持;

2. 南宁师范大学教改项目:“产、研”驱动下的应用型本科课程教学改革与实践-以天然产物化学课程教学为例,项目编号:2018JGX012,主要参与.